Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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?Care for Oily skin and?Acne prone Skin

From Age 13+, Oily skin with enlarged pores in which sebum may accumulate in pore openings, darken due to oxidation and new style light grey marbled logo ugg australia boots appear as blackheads.

When pore openings are clogged, the sebum residues will appear as whiteheads, When these residues become inflamed, we describe the new style light grey marbled logo ugg australia boots condition as Acne, Areas of the face may be shiny, bumpy, scaly, red (especially in inflamed areas) with a dull, waxy, impure look.

What is the right approach for treating oily skin?

1. Light exfoliation for better drainage in order to new style light grey marbled logo ugg australia boots release clogged pores.

2. Maintaining hygenic conditions on the skins surface.

3. All care products for this skin type should be non-occlusive oil-free formulations, in order not to further aggravate the condition.

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